Listening and Knowing His Voice

Hi, ya’ll! Today’s post is about listening and knowing God’s voice.

I pray every day that God will speak to me. I pray that I will recognize His voice. So I was watching a conference/interview video on YouTube last night of Kari Jobe and her Husband Cody Carnes. They were asked a bunch of questions about their life, recent tragedies (her baby niece died in a miscarriage; 7 months. Please pray for them!), and their marriage. Kari was taught very young to pray for the Lord to speak to her and to hear and recognize His voice. I think she asked her Dad “How do I know His voice?” or something like that. In return he gave her a very helpful illustration.

Heaven Come Conference 2016- Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes. Their adorable baby Canyon is on Kari's lap! :)

Heaven Come Conference 2016- Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes. Their adorable baby Canyon is on Kari’s lap! πŸ™‚

You know when you’re on the phone with a family member and you know his or her voice right when they say hello? It’s easy to recognize their voice because you see and hear them a lot. But when you are on the phone with a friend of your parent’s it’s hard because you don’t know them as well. You don’t recognize it because you don’t usually talk with them. Well, we don’t want our relationship with God to be like that last one. We want to know and actually recognize His voice. So, pray that Lord will speak to to you and that you will know His voice, okay? πŸ™‚

God bless,

Maddi the joyful

14 thoughts on “Listening and Knowing His Voice

  1. Love this! Thanks Maddi! I am praying that God will help me to know His voice and I am thanking Him that He is always here, listening and helping, loving and caring, with His great power, now and always, for me and you and other people who have given their lives to Him,and that even a sparrow doesn’t fall without Him noticing (Matthew 10:29)❀️, and I am also praying for Kari Jobe and her family. -Lizz πŸ™‚

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